I’ve worked with over 8,000 women in the last 6 years
I’m going to be honest- not all of them got results (most coaches probably won’t admit that).
I wanted to figure out who did so I studied the women who get the best results to see what they do differently.
The last one might surprise you & is actively bad for my business (at least short term) but I think is very important.
👉They embrace imperfect action & commit to leaving behind perfectionist tendencies & acknowledge trying to be perfect is holding them back.
👉They take ownership. No one is coming to do this for you. It’s your life. & you get to decide to change if you want to.
👉They DO THEIR CHECK INS & reach out when they need support - even when it’s hard, even when they don’t want to. The check ins you don’t want to do are the ones you benefit from the most.
👉They look for solutions not excuses. You will always find excuses if you look for them. You can also always find a solution and if you can’t - we can find one for you.
👉They accept ‘failures’ and slip ups along the way as part of the process. The aim isn’t to never overeat, that is not realistic. The aim is to reduce the occurrence & improve your response to occasions when you do.. learn from it & move on instead of dwelling.
👉They commit to long term change and usually stay for 5 months or more.
This teaches them not only to get results but to maintain them too (the most important part)
👉They aren’t looking for and end point. They know that to maintain their results they have to maintain their new lifestyle & they choose to embrace this not resent it.
👉They listen the podcast & let us brain wash them. This is the best way to change your mindset - you often need to hear things again and again and be reassured in order for it to click. The podcast is great for this (& it’s free! - listen here)
👉Followed me for 30days + or consumed 6+ episodes of the podcast before signing up. This primes you for coahcing. By this point you know me, my coaching ethos, you trust me & respect my advice & thus you are more likely to fully commit to coaching.
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