11 principles to end yo-yo dieting
want to make your next diet the last diet you ever do? Read this.
Sick of yo-yo dieting?
If you want to make your next diet the last diet you ever do, you need to know & embrace these 11 principles…
1) You have to stop seeing getting in shape as a negative.
Focus on FEELING your best.
Fat loss is a hell of a lot easier when you feel good!
Do it to FEEL your best because life is short & you deserve to enjoy it!
Getting in shape should be an empowering process, it’s been so riddled with diet culture that it’s hard to see that.
2) Food freedom & ownership.
You don’t need to cut out your favourite foods.
You have unconditional permission to eat whatever you want, whenever you want BUT every choice has a cost to it & sometimes saying no to the 3rd slice of pizza is actually saying YES to your goals.
3) Puck yes or no.
- CHOOSE your indulgences - you can have anything but you cant everything
(Listen to episode 656 of the podcast)
4) Start telling yourself you GET to you don’t HAVE to.
If you see diet and exercise as a form of punishment it will feel that way.
It’s a privilege not a punishment.
5) Your 100% will look different every day.
100% effort on the days where things just slot into place will look different to the days where the world throws a curve ball or 5 at you.
Rather than expect the same outcome every day ask yourself the question: ‘did I do my best today?’
6) Imperfect action.
People often wait for the perfect time to start their diet.
Newsflash: it’s now.
If you’re waiting for your life to be less busy you’re going to be waiting a long time. You don’t need a perfect time, you need a plan that fits around your busy life.
You’ve got a lot on? Good.
Diet and exercise should add to your life not take away from it.
The right does of exercise and the right nutrition to fuel you will give you MORE energy not less.
Yes, even when you are losing fat!
7) It’s a hell of a lot easier with the right support.
Support, reassurance and accountability is often the key to finally getting results that stick rather than giving up after a week or 2.
We built a whole program around helping women end yo-yo dieting.
Click here to apply
7) Work with yourself not against yourself.
How would you support someone who you wanted to do well? Probably with a bit of self compassion right? Think about how you would support your child - you wouldn’t shame and ridicule them.
But you also wouldn’t let them mope around and eat crisps and chocolate for every meal!
Parent yourself!
8) Averages
- worry less about what you do on one day and focus more on what you do on average, every day.
The best way to improve your average & thus your results is to improve your ‘bad’ days. Most people get this wrong - they try to make their good days perfect and inevitably can’t maintain it.
9) It’s your response to your bad days that matters most.
'You don’t drown by falling into the river, you drown by staying submerged’
and you don’t ruin your diet with one bad day - you ruin it with your response to it.
10) Ownership.
Choose to take ownership for your actions & your results.
Ownership is your power to change.
You will get out what you put in & with the right support you are more than capable of achieving your goals.
-Don’t allow yourself to get upset about the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do.
11) If you want some help click here