6 key mindset principles
These are the 6 mindset principles I use on commit to 6.
Not to be dramatic but if you implement these they will change your life.
1) Imperfect action.
Imperfect action takes away your excuse to give up when it can’t be perfect.
-Something is always better than nothing.
Many people wear perfectionism as a badge of honour. Perfectionism is actually pretty lazy as it’s the excuse we use not to start because ‘it’s not the right time’ or to give up because we had one meal that wasn’t exactly as we planned or to not bother with the gym session because we don’t have long enough to do the full thing.
The results you’ll get by embracing imperfect action are far greater than the results you get trying to be perfect. Scrap the all or nothing mentality and do the best you can in the situation you’re in.
Imperfect action is about looking for solutions not excuses.
2) No bad days.
This leads on nicely from imperfect action.
Most people focus too heavily on their ‘good days’ and try to make them perfect. You’ll actually get far better results by focusing on making your ‘bad days’ better.
This is because your results are based on the average of your actions over time. and the best way to improve your actions is to look at your bad days and make them ‘less bad’ (wow great writing skills).
There isn’t often much difference between your good days and your perfect days so you’ve not got much benefit to get there but there is often a huge difference between your good days and your bad days & thus that is where your results are going to come from.
3) The secret to success is not giving up.
Most of your goals are well within your reach.
It’s not an ability problem, you are totally capable. You just give up too quickly.
This is especially true for fat loss. Everybody is capable of losing fat, everybody.
When you commit to not giving up (there is a reason I called my business COMMIT to 6) it takes the pressure off. You don’t feel like you have to nail everything perfectly in the first 6 weeks - you embrace the fact this is life long change. It will be messy, it will be imperfect and there is nothing wrong with that.
Commit to the end goal and you’ll see slip ups as bumps in the road rather that disasters that cause you to spiral.
It’s never the weekend over indulgence that undoes your progress. It’s your response to it. Do you dust yourself off and move on or do you allow it to completely derail you leading to days to weeks over overeating and then genuinely undoing your progress.
4) The reframe.
How you think about diet & exercise matters. Are you telling yourself you HAVE to do this and you CAN’T have that.
or are you telling yourself you GET to do this and you’re CHOOSING to have this instead.
This is the difference between empowered choices and feeling restricted.
Diets that make you feel restricted won’t last. & a lot of that has more to do with your mindset & more specifically your intent behind your actions than the diet per se.
One of the most powerful reframes you can apply to all aspects of life: I get to do this, I don’t have to do this.
5) Own your actions.
Dont get upset about the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do.
Most things you want to achieve require hard work & one thing that will keep you stuck is a victim mentality.
Big goals require big effort - there is no getting around that.
& if you don’t want to be average (the average person in the UK is over weight) then you’re going to have to do more than the average.
6) Respond don’t react.
Side note: this is what my tattoo is about:
Most of us go through life resounding to whats in front of us rather than making conscious choices about how we want to live our lives.
Some of these seem inconsequential but can add up over time.
E.g. your lunch is likely dictated by what the quickest option is rather than what you actually want to eat or what is most in line with your goals.
On commit to 6 we use journaling to make you aware of your decisions and make sure you’re making conscious choices in line with you values ( you’ll know these once you start the journal).
Not only will the ability to respond and not react improve your nutrition choices. It will also improve your decisions in other areas of life.. specifically useful in relationships.
That’s all for today.
Hope you found this useful… if you did please give it a share!
Find out more about commit to 6 here