1) these are the days that count.
The days you have high motivation are easy. The days that you don’t want to do it but you do it anyway are the days that set you apart and get you results.
2) You don’t want to be average.
Average in the UK is overweight & unhealthy. That means you have to do more than the average person would.
3) Action drives motivation.
Lower the barrier and take some action e.g. bargain with yourself to just get to the gym - once you’re there you’ll end up doing more than you had bargained with yourself for.
4) Make promises to yourself and stick to them.
These are the standards you hold yourself to.
Top tip for this: under promise & over deliver. Be strict with your promises.
5) Imperfect action
You don’t need to be anywhere near perfect to get results.
Something is always better than nothing.
6) Impatience is a sh*t excuse.
Everyone is impatient.
Some people act on impatience and give up.
Some people feel and choose to continue.
7) Remember why you started.
Re-connect with your ‘why’. Is it still important to you?
If so, make your future self grateful and keep the promise you made to yourself.