You know how most people struggle with weight loss?..
And when they do manage to lose weight they struggle to keep it off?
And it ends in years and years, often decades of yo-yo dieting?
Well this is the solution:
‘Cruise’ weeks.
Cruise weeks are periods of time when you intentionally take the pressure off and re-set your targets to make them more manageable.
It might be that you know you’ll be traveling,
you have a mad week at work,
a few big social events,
Or, for some reason a few things in life have stacked up and you don’t need the extra pressure of challenging targets on top of it all.
The importance of cruise weeks is that you are still moving in the right direction.
You’re just cruising along instead of applying full effort.
Imagine how much easier it is to climb a mountain if you have a few pauses on the way up (cruise weeks)…
Compared to turning around and walking back down the mountain every time you can’t be perfect or life gets in the way.
That would be insane, right?
That’s yo yo dieting.
That’s giving up on your diet every time the scales don’t move.
That’s over restricting and then thinking screw it when you can’t stick to it exactly.
That’s thinking there is no point because you went over your calories for one day.
That’s deciding if you can’t make the gym there is no point eating well either…
You get the idea.
Opting for ‘cruise’ weeks is a lot more successful than yo-yoing up & down forever.
Direction matters.
& it matters MORE than speed.
Focus on direction & you will get there.
Focus on speed & you’ll work your ass off walking up and down the mountain but likely never reach the top.
The reason that cruise week’s have such a big impact on your results is that it brings up your average in the most effective way.
Your results are dictated by the average of your actions over time.
The easiest way to bring your average up is to make your ‘bad’ weeks into cruise weeks. Most people focus on making their good week’s perfect but this has little impact. The biggest bang for your buck is putting your effort into making your bad weeks less bad (incredible writing, I know).
Adding in cruise week’s will make the process easier & more enjoyable but you must be intentional with them.
This isn’t about dropping your standards it’s about choosing realistic targets that bring up your average and get you better results.
If you would like my help to lose fat in an enjoyable and sustainable way and finally put an end to yo-yo dieting or feeling like you’re always on a diet click here.
& if you’ve found this useful please share it with a friend :)