Anyone can lose fat but not many people mange to keep it off.
I’ve spent the last 13 years coaching people to lose fat and keep it off.
Here are the most important lessons.
It’s easy to tick the boxes when you feel good. The people who get results are the ones who show up on the days they don’t want to and the days they know they cant be perfect.
Being driven by a goal is great but if you want to maintain your results then you need to learn to enjoy the process too. Look for & appreciate the immediate rewards of diet & exercise- how you feel, how productive you are, your energy levels, your mood.
You have to learn to embrace consistency and routine rather than intensity. Most of what you need to do to get in and stay in shape is dull and repetitive - the magic is in repeating it every day.
Compromise is important but avoid making sacrifices. Know where the line is for you. As soon as you start making sacrifices you’ve crossed the line between diet and exercise being a positive to your life and into it being a negative.
You can’t always control your environment but you can control how you respond to it.
Curate your environment for success -make the option you want to go for the easiest option. Most people make fat loss harder than it needs to be. The easiest way to change a behaviour is to change your environment.
Understand weight loss is not fat loss. If you give up every time the scales don’t go down you will never get results.
Self compassion isn’t about being soft. Embracing self compassion will allow you to try again when you slip up. You’re not going to bully yourself into change.
The difference between people who get results and people who give up is often patience. Reminder: patient people still feel impatient - they just don’t act on it.
Routine is your friend - this should be your preset but you also need the flexibility to sway from your routine without freaking out.
Giving up perfectionism and embracing imperfect action will make you work harder & get better results. Perfectionism is often just a convenient reason to give up.
Practicing imperfect action everyday (doing the best you can in the situation you are in) is what will get your results. Being occasionally perfect won’t.
If you are waiting to be perfect then you will be waiting a long time. Motivation usually comes from taking action not before. Decide you’re ready to start. Ready is a decision, you don’t need to wait until you feel it (the likelihood is you never will)
You don’t get results waiting to feel ready to start.
I can guarantee this won’t all go to plan. Being adaptable is essential.
Motivation comes and goes which is why you need to set yourself non negotiable personal standards that you hold yourself to.
If you want to lose fat & keep it off then you need to take a difference approach.
You need to workout both physically and mentally.
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