Step 1: Change your mindset.
Being busy isn’t a bad thing - it usually means you have a life full of things you care about.
The right dose of diet and exercise will give you MORE energy, not less.
Most people think about this the wrong way…
Stop thinking of it as another chore you have to do.
Start seeing it as something you get to do that gives you energy and allows you to show up at your best.
You are too busy NOT to exercise.
Step 2: Win the morning.
By far the easiest way to immediately improve your mood is to start your day right.
This means waking up 15 mins earlier & doing a short morning routine - you can come up with your own or if you want mine you can message me ‘morning’.
Step 3: Plan.
I find the simplest plans work the best. Overcomplicating your plan or your time management system is just another form of procrastination.
I use google calendar to plan everything - it doesn’t really matter what you use but it needs to be in one place.
I plan my week on a Sunday and then I plan my days each morning because things inevitably come up that you weren’t expecting.
Final one:
You might be thinking this seems too basic.
If you are busy & overwhelmed the last thing you’re going to do is something complicated and elaborate.
You need simple & actionable otherwise you’re going to be tempted to put it off until you’re not busy & overwhelmed.
That time isn’t coming without changing something.
If you want some extra support click here
morning routine. thanks v much.