Do you ever give up on a diet because of the scales?
This is your solution.
It stands for 30 days head down and if you’ve ever given up on a diet because the scales haven’t gone down then this is for you.
Someone asked me almost a year ago what I thought the number one reason was that people give up on their diets.
I told them that it was false expectations of weight loss and scale weight.
This surprised them.
I think they thought I would say will power, laziness, processed food or something.
But the truth is, of the people who work with me - I.e. I know they are on a sensible diet, I know they are not over restricting or cutting out food groups or trying to stick to something unmaintainable… the number one reason they don’t get results is that they give up and the reason they give up is most commonly because of the scale weight.
Which is so frustrating because usually they are getting results. They are losing fat. It’s just that no matter how many times you say the scales don’t directly measure fat loss & that you can still lose fat without it showing on the scales week on week people still get caught up with the number.
They let it influence their motivation levels & usually respond 1 or 2 ways:
Over resection or giving up.
Neither of these get long term results.
So I have a solution.
It’s 30 days of sticking to the targets we set you - these are based off you & your goals.
We use range targets which means there is no on/off / all or nothing mentality and we know that if you stick to these targets consistently for 30 days you’ll get incredible results.
If you want results quicker - stick to the bottom end of your target for calories or top end for steps.
Having the range is key to take away your excuse for giving up when you can’t be perfect (which is the other key reason people give up).
Now we define a successful week by your behaviours not on how much weight you did or didn’t lose that week.
You have little control over your weight on a weekly basis. Hormones, salty foods, travel, creatine, carbs, food volume, digestion - all of these things play a role in what you weigh.
Don’t let uncontrollable factors be the reason you give up on another diet!
If you resonate with this podcast, if you find you always give up a few weeks into a diet and become disheartened by the scale weight, if you are ready to focus your efforts on sticking to the targets you know will get your results and ignoring the external noise then this is for you.
Head to
We want to make this the last diet you ever do. Take the pressure off the scales, get your head down, tick the boxes and live your life while you get results.