Do you need to believe you can achieve it first?
Last week someone asked me:
What comes first.. believing you can lose weight or putting in the work and losing weight?
Some people claim you won't fully commit to something you don't believe you can achieve & I don't disagree butI don’t think belief will come without proof.
This is why I like to break things down…
Rather than do you believe you can lose all the eight you have to lose.. do you believe you set some targets with me for the next week and stick to them?
Great, we will check in after 1 week and adjust if needed.
I continue with the same process - taking one week at a time and before you know it you’ve proved to yourself you can lose weight.
& rather than focusing on the full marathon you focus on 1 mile at a time.
Focus on losing the first 3lbs before you start working about the next.
Focus on winning this week, don’t look too far ahead and get overwhelmed.
At that point you start to see & feel the difference and you start to believe you can achieve it.
I think the belief usually comes from taking action. From creating evidence, from proving it to yourself.
It certainly just won't appear out of no where so if you're waiting for that I highly recommend taking action.
If you need some help click here - I would love to help you!