If you find you’re often overeating it’s probably less about food/ your diet than you think...
‘Here is your perfect calorie target’ isn’t going to solve your emotional eating problem.
‘This is how much protein you should consume’ isn’t going to stop you boredom eating.
& ‘personalised’ nutrition isn’t going to help with your all or nothing mentality around food which is the real reason so many people overeat.
It’s usually less about the food than we make out.
The truth is you’re not struggling with fat loss because you don’t know if you should be on 1800 or 1700 calories. That sh*t really doesn't matter.
The key to successful fat loss isn’t an exact macro target & it’s certainly not personalised’ nutrition (sozzz Zoe).
You need to understand your own behaviours around food so you can change them.
If you need some help with this fill in the application here - this is exactly what I do (and why it’s so effective).
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