I asked one of my clients to reflect on her weight loss goal.
The response was incredible so I am sharing here.
These are all her words & EVERYONE who has struggled with weight loss should read this.
‘My overall goal is to lose 14kgs to take me to a healthy BMI.
I did a little journaling around why I want to achieve this and came up with the following:
• I want to feel full of energy
• I want to feel strong and confident
• I want to feel less frumpy
• I want to feel more attractive
• I want to enjoy shopping again
• I want to be clearheaded
• I want to have the confidence to try new things, go on new adventures
• I want to be independent and be able to look after myself when I’m older
• I want to be healthy
• I want to be able to travel and visit my daughters wherever they are
• I want to know that I’m taking care of myself
What I want revolves around how I want to feel and I realise that I can feel these things regardless of my weight.
However, I can’t feel these things if I am not taking care of myself.
Overeating means I feel heavy and dull and have no energy.
Regular strength training makes me feel strong and gives me the confidence to push myself a little further in other areas.
Good sleep makes me less cranky and makes me a nicer person which makes me feel good.
So I guess yes, I want to lose weight for my health but that seems so far off and by setting that as a goal I lose sight of the little things that can make me feel the way I want to feel right now.
Bit of a waffle but don’t know how to put this in words.’
- Sharon, 53 today, LEGEND.
I am proud I get to coach such an incredible woman.
If I am anything like u at 53 I will be so proud.