I try to live my life with a ‘f*k average’ mentality.
It helps you accept & lean into the fact that things can be hard some times.
It’s harder to get up and go to the gym than stay in bed.
It’s harder to say no to the 3rd slice of pizza than to eat it.
It's harder to not give in to peer pressure when drinking doesn't align with your goals.
It’s harder to sit with your emotions than distract yourself with food.
It’s harder to keep your cool in an argument than react and say something you regret.
It's harder to work on your business when all your mates clock off at 5pm.
But, nothing truly rewarding happens without hard work.
If you don't want average results, you can't put in average effort.
You have to embrace doing more than most.
Here are some average stats:
The average person is overweight.
The average person loses muscle as they age.
Most diets fail.
It’s ‘normal’ to be negative and unhappy,
Most marriage ends in divorce.
I hope this makes you think: ‘ f*k being average’.
& if it does - then embrace that you can't do what the average person does.
These stats might seem depressing but the fact that you are here probably means you're not average anyway.
It probably means that you want more from life.
You're spending your time reading this. Rather than scrolling through instagram mindlessly.
You're above average, you're different, you don't want to settle.
Life is too short for that.
People are often demotivated/ depressed by average statistics - especially those around aging that paint a picture of life just getting worse and worse as you age. I call bullshit on that.
I want to remind you that you don’t have to follow that trend, you don’t have to be average and being above average is actually quite easy..
The average person doesn’t do what you do…
They don’t meet exercise guidelines
They don’t resistance train
They don't pay attention to their energy needs
They don’t hit their activity targets
If you tick these boxes then you're not average and those average statistics aren't relevant to you.
If you don’t want to be average - do the opposite of what the average person does.
It’s pretty easy to be above average as the bar is set pretty low.
Lean into being a bit weird.
Allow people to comment on your food choices, the fact you walk in the rain, that you don’t spend every evening watching Netflix.
Decide to take responsibility for your life. Stop assuming someone is going to come and do it for you. Decide what you want and go for it.
Life is too short to do it any other way.
Take more risks.. the far bigger risk is wasting your life waiting for the right time. You want a good story to tell when you look back on your life.
At 80 are you going to wish you played it safe?
I say f*k average,
f*k boring social norms,
f*k society’s expectations and what you ‘should’ do.
Aging doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Life can get better as you age.
Want to beat the norm, get in the shape of your life, feel amazing and f*k average?
Join us here.
PS. You know who doesn’t start in October because they are already winding down for the year - average people.
Just to say, your constant, unwavering overwhelmingly positive attitude is totally infectious and f*cking fabulous too x