I was talking to a client yesterday about their negative self talk…
It is WILD that we think we can talk to ourselves/ about our bodies like sh*t and then expect them to change.
It’s like saying to a child I will only love you when you’re absolutely perfect and until then I will ridicule you, disrespect you, be ashamed of you and deem you completely unworthy but yet still expect you to show up for me and change in exactly the way I want you to.
Do we think a better approach might be to support the child/ yourself with love, care, understanding, patience & compassion?
Just some food for thought.. you may want to be nicer to yourself if you want to change.
Changing because you love & respect yourself and because you deserve it feels very differently to trying to hate yourself into change which rarely works and never feels good.
Oh & side note: you can accept yourself & love yourself the way you are and still want to change - we’ve somehow created this odd dichotomy that you either love who you are or you want to change.
Again, WILD.
You’re changing because you deserve it. You deserve the investment in time, money, effort, care.
Start telling yourself that.
If you want some help to make positive changes - I would love to support that click here