How to avoid the most common fat loss mistake
The number one reason people don’t achieve their fat loss goals is because they give up too soon.
This is how I avoid that with my clients…
I start with a bit of a life audit.
Here is a brief summary of how it works:
Step 1: Identity areas you want to improve we use 4 pillars:
🎯Personal & professional growth
🎯Friends, family & social
- not just fat loss - how can you level up in all areas of life.
(Note: organising your prioritise & life in general makes fat loss A LOT easier - most people are just try to ram diet & exercise on top of everything else and find it doesn’t work. I’ll help you slot it in nicely so you appreciate it not resent it)
Step 2: Set goals
- this part is done a little differently ✨
You set non negotiable and optimal targets.🎯
Non negotiable targets should be very achievable.
Optimal targets are what you strive for. These should be hard
The mistake most make is setting their non negotiable targets too high. The aim is to stay within this range daily.
Non negotiable targets should be VERY achievable - Optimal targets should be hard.
Some days you will be closer to optimal, others you’ll be closer to non negotiable But, the important part… you will always be doing forward.
Here is the magic…
- if you are always moving forward even for just 6 weeks you’ll be amazed at your progress.
& the flexibility of the range means you can enjoy your life while you make progress.
Since I started applying this with fat loss goals clients their results & mindset have been incredible.
The number one reason people don’t achieve their fat loss results is because they give up too soon… usually when they think they have ruined everything by going slightly over calories so proceed to continue to overeat.
This approach stops that.
Step 3: coaching
You can apply for that here