How to make strong decisions
I am going to tell you about 2 key mindsets that will get you results.
I am going to tell you about 2 key mindsets I use with clients to get better results.
I’ll start with a story…
I had a check in with a client this morning who was telling me about her holiday. She explained that usually on the day she was traveling home she would use traveling as an excuse to overeat.
This time she simply decided she wasn’t going to accept traveling as an excuse not to stay within calories.
The decision came before the action.
When I say its all about mindset its because the decision comes before the action - this may seem like an obvious statement but many people seem to forget this and just focus on action (this was 100% me).
Once you make that decision and commit to it fully (& take away the option to bargain yourself out of it) your actions flow.
This is why I talk to clients about 2 key mindsets:
1) Never break a promise to yourself (& don’t make ones you can’t keep)
2) When you’re serious about a goal commit to it 100% not 98% - that 2% is the space you leave to talk yourself out of it, that 2% is what makes it so tiring to diet because you’re always second guessing. Decide you’re going to do it and do it.
Life long vegetarian’s don’t make a decision to be vegetarian at every meal. They make the decision, commit to it & move on!
Take home: Make strong decisions but remember you can’t commit 100% to everything so choose them wisely that way you don’t start breaking trust in yourself that you’ll do the things you say you’re going to do.