I am 32 today.
Here is a list of 32 of the most impactful things I know.
Most of these I’ve learnt from others - I am not taking credit for their incredible brains but I can’t remember to whom to attribute to which reference so just assume none of this has come from my own brain.
1. Quality over quantity.
Pick the things you care about and do them well.
Pick the things that bring you most joy and spend big on them.
It’s better to have a few nice things than lots of crap,
it’s better to have a few incredible relationships than many surface deep ones.
2. Building something bigger than you is worth all the effort.
Impact is such a motivational driver.
3. The quality of a day can be assessed by how much you laughed
4. Your environment matters - one of the easiest ways to level up is to look at what you read, watch and are influenced by … go & curate your social media feed accordingly.
5. Make rules for yourself.
Rather than hope you will make a good decision in a triggering or high pressure situation have rules that make your decisions for you when you know you’re likely to make them poorly. (Example 8pm rule).
6. You’re never done learning. Especially as a coach.
I am a better coach than I was last year and next year I will be a better coach than I am now.
7. Have high expectations of yourself set non negotiable standards you hold yourself to.
8. There is an opportunity cost to everything. Choose how you spend your time and energy wisely - it’s finite.
9. The biggest risk is not taking any risk. Life is short. You’ll regret not trying even if failing is painful.
10. Have fun - if you ever want to destress try to just make everything more fun. Stop taking it all so seriously. Most things you stress over wont matter in a week.
Driving your kids around can be hilarious time you get to spend together or deep meaningful chats. Or you can see it as a stressful chore.
The driving is the same.
11. You can’t eat your way out of fatigue. Many people seem to think the cure to their lack of energy is to eat more. It’s most likely not. You need better sleeping habits, you need to exercise more and if you’re overweight then fat loss will give you more energy.
12. Make better salads. When people say salads are boring I say you’re doing it wrong. Salads are unreal. Rule: at least 5 ingredients.
13. You do have time to exercise, you’ve just been led to believe it needs to be an hour to be effective.
If you are in active and you stat doing 10x squat, lunge, press ups 3x round this will take less than 5mins.
Do it every other day & you will literally add years to your life.
14. You don’t need immediate results to stay motivated. You need to accept reality - results take time.
You don’t get paid 2 days into the month because you’re struggling to stay motivated - you do the work before the reward. That is how life works.
15. It wont be easier tomorrow. Start now.
16. No one is coming to save you, no one can do the work for you but whatever it is it’s easier with the right support.
17. Behaviours compound - you can use this to your advantage or detriment.
18. If you find you are always complaining about the same thing - change it or shut up.
Confidence sells & nothing says confidence in what you do know like admitting what you don’t know.
Dont be the best, be the only.
You are your unique selling point. No one does what you do in the way you do it. Stop trying to fit in.It’s better to be loved by few than mildly liked by everyone. In business and in life. Stop being vanilla.
Most people take better care of their cars than they do of their bodies.
You only get one body to last you a life time. Prioritise accordingly.
Focus on where you spend your best energy not just where you spend your time. Do you leave the most important things to last?
Most supplements are a scam. In particular supplements aimed at menopausal women.
It’s better to be single than settle but it’s even better to be with someone you think the world of.
What you do on your bad days matters more than what you do on your good days.
Make people feel heard. Listen more.
Whenever someone is rude to you - be overly polite in response. It’s awkward for them.
How you spend every day is how you spend your life. Find fun & joy in the simple.
If you are feeling shit commit to 3 days of morning exercise, no junk food and a daily walk without your phone.
Fault and responsibility are not the same. You can choose to own your situation even if it’s not your fault. Taking responsibility is what gives you the power to change.
The best investments are often in things we don’t see…
The time you took off so that you didn’t burn out.
The physio you did so you didn’t need surgery.
The effort you put into your diet & exercise to avoid disease.
…The choices you made that avoided the negative outcomes.
Those are harder to appreciate as you can’t SEE them but they are undoubtedly the most important.Be careful not to procrastinate over the things that don’t have deadlines..
Health (diet & exercise)
Taking more time off,
Leaving the job you’re unfulfilled in,
or the relationship you are not happy in.
These will be your biggest regrets.
Hope you had a fabulous day. Adore your content - thank-you for creating it people are better for it.
Happy Birthday Emma ♥️
You’re my favourite!!