I’ve been a fat loss coach for over a decade 👵
These are 4 of my favourite coahcing principles.
I’ve been a fat loss coach for over a decade
These are 4 of my favourite coahcing principles.
Note: You will quickly realise fat loss is more about psychology and behaviour change than it is about nutrition.
Imperfect action.
This is the overarching principle of my coaching.
The underlying belief holding people back from taking action not just in fat loss but in so many areas of life is belief that things need to be perfect or that there will, at some point be a ‘perfect’ time.
A mystical time when you have nothing on, when there are no surprises, when you have no other commitments.. essentially a period where you don’t have a life.
Obviously this isn’t going to happen - nor do we want it to.
My whole coahcing approach is built around you living your life to the fullest.
It’s not about putting your life on hold for fat loss.
That is miserable, you resent it & results are short lived.
Embracing imperfect action which is the mindset - if I can’t do it perfectly I will do what I can..
If I can’t do a full workout I will do half,
If I can’t get 10,000 steps I will still go for a walk and aim to get a few 1,000 more,
If there are no ‘optimal’ options on the menu I will opt for the best choice available.
The Imperfect action mindset removes your excuse to give up when things can’t be perfect or when something unexpected happens.
You don’t need to be any where near perfect to get incredible results.
Focus on your bad days.
You will get better results reducing the severity of your ‘bad days’ than trying to perfect your good days.
If a typical low step day is 3,000 steps but you increase that to 6,000 - now your new ‘bad day’ is 6,000.
If a typical over indulgence day is 1,000 calories over but now it’s only 500 calories over that is going to have a huge impact on your results.
This has a bigger impact than adding 3,000 steps to your good days or reducing by 500 calories when you’re already in a deficit. In fact, both of those actions tend to end badly.
The best way to better results is to improve on ‘bad days’.
(this is why we use range targets)
30 days, head down, taking action - no looking for results and specifically no weighing yourself.
The number one reason people give up on fat loss is the scales.
That is insane.
Especially given that if you are sticking to your range targets *set by me* you will be losing fat.
So many people who say they look and feel better still give up because the scales haven’t dropped.
30HD stops this.
It stops you getting distracted and disheartened by the scales or the fact you think you should see more weight loss based on usually unrealistic expectations of fat loss.
30HD helps you focus on the most important thing - the actions you are taking - the thing actually driving your results!
It also helps you see the real benefit of these actions - how you feel, how you perform, how you show up - the non scale weight wins.
Constantly questioning yourself is tiring AF and often means you start to resent the process.
I’ve taken over 200 women through 30HD now.
They enjoy it more, notice increased mood and yes, they lost more weight with less stress, overwhelm, self questioning and overthinking.
It’s quite simple - stop weighing yourself - allow yourself to enjoy the process - get better results.
Range targets
This is quite a simple but insanely effective fat loss method.
It goes nicely with both imperfect action and 30HD (almost like I planned it).
When you join commit to 6 we set your targets for you based on you and your goals.
The way we set these is a little different.
When you have a specific target like 1600 calories or 10,000 steps.
The tendency is to give up if you don’t hit your target or at least feel disheartened and de motivated.
Neither of these outcomes get you results so we don’t do that here.
We set you range targets instead.
There is a non negotiable side to your range - this is meant to be very achievable.
The aim is that you do at least this even on your bad days.
As an example my non negotiable workouts are 3 PW, I usually do 6 and I cant remember the last time I did any less than 4 but my non negotiable (or personal standard) is that I will always do 3 (obviously not including being unwell).
My step target is 12,000 a day but my non negotiable is 8,000.
The aim is to have to strive for the optimal side of your target.
We set your optimal target for best results but it’s unrealistic to always be perfect so the promise you’re making to yourself is that you never drop below your non negotiable target.
This way you are never going backwards. This is how we make your bad days better and get you better results with less pressure, less self loathing and more momentum!
Unlimited spend
I use this frame to encourage the behaviours I want.
Example for diet: I give myself unlimited fruit and veg.
Why unlimited?
Rarely do I meet anyone who’s problem is they are eating too much fruit & veg.
I do often meet people who struggle with dieting because they feel restricted.
Allowing unlimited fruit and veg (foods most people would benefit from consuming more of) reduces feelings of restriction, increases enjoyment of, and adherence to, diet and ultimately leads to better results! 💡
It’s about psychology and behaviour change (not because fruit and veg has no calories).
As I said - real world sustainable fat loss is more about psychology and behaviour change than calorie targets.
This is what makes commit to 6 different, it’s why we get such incredible long term results.
Sure you get calorie targets, protein targets, workouts, step goals, a morning routine, check ins.
Probably sounds very similar to other programs but the difference is how we help you stick to them.
We change the intent behind them, we help you embrace and enjoy the process.
If you want to lose fat and keep it off and you’re ready to make a change - remember ready is a decision not a feeling.
Join commit to 6.
Embrace imperfect action it will genuinely change your life.
Superb advise 👏