✍️My yearly reflection & goal setting formula
⚠️ I booked a trip to South Africa after doing this..
Life is short.
& what’s for you WILL go by you if you let it.
You have to be intentional with how you spend your life if you want to get the most out of it.
Most people don’t learn from their mistakes.
You will hurt people, you will react to things badly, you will make mistakes & no matter how hard you try you’re never going to be perfect. That's not the aim - the aim is to keep improving.
Some people learn from their mistakes & grow... others don’t.
I try to be in the ‘learn from mistakes camp’ which is why I review my year each year, learn from my mistakes, show gratitude for all the good times & set my intentions for the year.
& here is the frame work I use so that you can do the same..
PS I booked a trip to South Africa, downloaded Headway & hired a coach off the back of doing this year's review..I am excited to hear what you do!
Click here to get access.
If you are a business owner (specifically a coach) this review may be helpful too!