One of the most common reasons people don’t achieve their goals is because they give up as soon as they can’t be perfect.
& you may have noticed if you give up every time you don’t hit your target perfectly then you will NEVER get results.
Here is the solution:
Range targets.
Whenever I set targets I set a range:
The lower end AKA the non negotiable and the optimal target (the target I want to hit).
Here is an example.
I might set a step target like this:
Non negotiable: 8,000 steps
Optimal: 12,000 steps
or a weekly workout target like this:
Non negotiable: 3 workouts
Optimal: 5 workouts
Let me use a calorie target for fat loss to show you why this works so well:
Non negotiable max: 2,000 (maintenance for me)
Optimal: 1,500
*anything under 2,000 is still a deficit and would still result in fat loss - this takes away the ‘oh I’ve totally ruined it’ response to going over calories. You’ve not ruined anything - you’re simply in a slightly smaller deficit.
Think of it like this - when you play darts you still get points even if you don’t hit the bullseye (get it perfect)
(I actually didn’t know the rules of darts but I looked it up and it’s true)
The idea is to have the non negotiable well within your reach.
This is often the part people get wrong.
They set an unrealistic non negotiable and then fall into the all or nothing mentality when they inevitably don’t meet it.
If you usually get 10,000 steps a day I would still set your non negotiable at 8,000.
& then you need to be strict with that non negotiable - I see it as an important promise I’ve made myself.
I won’t go to bed unless I’ve hit my non negotiable steps - aside from legitimate reasons like I have a migraine or I’m recovering from back surgery- anything else it’s getting done.
Side note: your life improves when you refuse to accept the shit excuses you give yourself.
Setting these ranges means you’re either pausing or moving forwards but never backwards.
& when it comes to any goal the direction is more important than the speed.
Time is going to pass anyway & it’s a hell of a lot quicker to take this approach than to endlessly yo-yo diet!
If you need some help to finally break the all or nothing, yo-yo diet cycle click here
I like this idea and it’s something I haven’t come across before. Thanks for this one 😎