The best and probably only life advice you’ll ever need.
👉Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t.
(Oh and have manners, being rude will make the world a neggy place for you & everyone around you)
Everyone has constraints & that’s not a negative.
It’s a fact of life.
The constraints might be related to injury, finances, time, commitments etc.
You can either dwell on them & add to your pain.
E.g. torment yourself daily by focusing on all the things you can’t do.
Or you can accept them and focus on what you can do.
What you’ll realise is that when you’re busy and excited about what you can do, the pain of what you can’t do dulls into the background.
It’s not to say it’s not there- I get upset now and again about the things I can’t do but then I get busy again focusing on what I can do.
Your mind can’t be both excited and sad simultaneously so it’s a little brain hack.
I got through a year of chronic pain by building businesses. By working with my constraints not against them. Less time in the gym meant more time for other things.
We tend to always complain about lack of time and then when we do have it we complain about that too.
If something doesn’t go to plan my reaction now is to get busy doing something else.
I’ll finish with probably the oldest & in my opinion most profound stoic lesson:
Life isn’t about what happens to you, it’s about how you respond.
- said in numerous different ways by numerous different people but it’s essentially that.