This list started with 6 and now there are 39!
I can't take full credit for this list - I had a lot of inspiration from our committed group.
The F*K average commandments
Do more than the average person would. Average efforts get average results. (good news: it's very easy to be above average as most people don’t do a lot!)
Hold high personal standards. Because you deserve it and you respect yourself. Don’t feel the need to justify these to anyone else.
Don't accept the excuses most people would - This links to your personal standards are you going to let the rain stop you going for a walk? Are you going to let the gym being closed stop you exercising? Rather than looking for excuses, instead look for solutions. You can easily find what you’re looking for.
Refuse to accept a mediocre life but acknowledge that means working harder than others will.
Tell yourself that life is too short to stay stuck. Asking for help isn’t giving up, it’s refusing to.
Pull up your team - be the support you want on your down days. Not only will you find this rewarding but you’ll find your support system grows too.
Accept that you won't be normal. Let people comment on that - see it as a good thing and a reminder you're on the right path.
Take ownership. It may not be your fault but your power is in taking responsibility - you may not have control over what happens but you do have control over how you react.
An investment in yourself is the best investment you will make. It might not be as tangible but it’s impact is going to last a lot longer than a designer handbag.
Reframe situations - you will realise you can find positives in almost any situation.
Prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish. We’ve all heard the line: You can’t pour from an empty cup. But very few of us actually act on it.
Self respect means showing up for yourself on the days you don’t feel like it.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do. Accept what you can’t control and put your efforts into what you can.
Never settle. It’s easy to be convinced you would be happy with a mediocre life but is you are here & reading this the chances are you want more.
Respond don’t react. Make intentional choices as opposed to wondering through life following the norm.
Stop comparing yourself to others. They have different goals, different values, different lives. It’s you Vs the version of you who isn’t trying.
Your biggest competition is internal. It’s the voice in your head that tells you to give up, that you can’t do it. That you should just play it safe.
Giving up literally never gets you results On the days you feel like giving up remind yourself of that. & have a ‘zero pressure day’ instead. Tick your non negotiable personal standards.
Most people don’t appreciate what they have until it’s gone. Not us. Daily gratitude - you will have to force it initially and then it will become a subconscious trait - you will just start to see things you are grateful for.
Live with purpose - be intentional with how you spend your time & energy make sure it’s aligned with the things that are most important to you.
There is always something you can do. No matter how small. Action is the best cure for discomfort and anxiety (yes, shockingly better than overeating! And trying to numb your emotions with food)
Don’t allow yourself to get upset about the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do. Own your actions, own your results.
Failures are inevitable if you want to make progress, learning from them is a choice. See failures as opportunities to learn & grow.
Reminder: Every successful person you admire has failed countless times. That is why they are successful. What matters is how you respond to failure.
Stop wasting time and energy looking for quick fixes. It’s the basics done well and consistency that get results.
There are no shortcuts, secret hacks you don’t know about or supplements that will magically get your results. It’s about showing up day after day, even when you don’t feel like it.
Everyone feels impatient. The difference between people who get results and people who don’t is whether they act on it or not.
Your feelings aren’t reality & your cravings don’t control you. You get to decide whether you act on them or not. You will notice the urge to comes and goes like a wave when you sit with it. Once you realise this you take back control.
Imperfect action. You don’t need to be anywhere near perfect to get results.
Stop labeling yourself - ‘perfectionist’ ‘fat’ ‘avoidant’ labels often lead to a fixed mindset - you have these traits - that is good self awareness but it doesn't have to define you & you can change!
Rethink the way you see aging. It’s not all downhill. You can age well, with more memories, experience, friends, family, loved ones, career progression. Things get BETTER as you age.
Be a role model. This forces you to have high expectations of yourself. Now live up to them.
Treat yourself like someone you want the best for.
Never break a promise to yourself and never make promises to yourself you don't keep. This is how you develop trust with yourself
Realise that being adaptable is the most important thing. Life will never go perfectly to plan.
Instead of looking for motivation - build momentum - spend 5 mins on a task, once you get started you’ll find it much easier to keep going.
Feeling uncomfortable is a good sign. A comfort zone is a nice place to be, but nothing every grows there. Use it to rest and recharge but don’t stay there too long.
Embrace the finality of life. You only get one. Don’t let what people think, or your own limiting beliefs hold you back. It's worse to have never tried than to have tried and failed (learnt)
On the days you don’t feel motivated remind yourself that these are the days most people give up. But you are not most people.
Discipline beats motivation every time.Ultimate life hack: surround yourself with the kind of people you want to be. Don’t want to accept an average life - surround yourself with other people who have a similar attitude to life.
Tip - join commit to 6.Whisper ‘f*ck average’ to yourself every time you start to talk yourself out of something or see yourself going for the easy option that isn’t not in line with your goals.
Are you fuk average vibes? Join us here.
#1 & #9 hit🎯
I often ask people if they want to be average. If they don't, then they can't do what is normal or average.
And seriously... what is better than an investment in yourself? The more you "have" allows you to also give more to others.
What I love most about this, is that I could look down the list every day and pick one at random, to just try to do/be/emulate. Its like a big how to live your life. I might turn this into some kind of new years intentional plan thingy (you can tell I haven’t yet thought this through, lol, but I love it!) x