The HUGE impact of small actions
It is the small seemingly insignificant things you do daily that count the most.
It is the small seemingly insignificant things you do daily that count the most.
This is universally true. It stands in health, relationships, wealth, knowledge, fat loss & building a business.
Break things down and they don't seem so overwhelming.
If I asked you to read 12 books, do 3650 push ups, walk 1852 miles, post 260 times on social media & save £1040 you might think that's impossible.
By breaking this down into daily or weekly chunks it's easy.
10 pages a day = 12 books a year
10 push ups a day = 3,650 a year
10,000 steps a day = 1,825 miles a year
5 social media posts a week = 260 posts a year
Saving £20 a week = £1,040 a year
Small daily actions add up to produce seemingly unachievable results.
This is also true in relationships. It’s not your wedding day that makes a marriage it’s the everyday things you do. It’s how you say good morning, how you ask about their day, the small things you do daily make a relationship not the grand gestures.
& it’s certainly true in business. No one thing I have done has had any significant impact on my business.. it’s the years of consistently showing up, delivering useful content, the hours of podcasting a week, the 1,000s of check ins, the hours of studying that compound overtime.
Your daily habits will dictate your life.
Make sure your routine is working FOR you not against you.