I’ve been doing check ins with clients this morning & it’s made me realise there is a weird narrative people have around weight loss that no one really talks about..
It’s essentially that if you continuously beat yourself up about losing weight & constantly think about losing weight; that it will actually help you lose weight.
Or more to the point.. that if you let go of that, if you don’t constantly think about weight loss… that you won’t lose weight.
This belief (sometimes subconscious) sticks around despite the fact it doesn’t work.. despite the proof that you tend to find it just makes you miserable and then you often self sabotage or self soothe with over eating which makes the problem worse.
If you’ve been trying that approach for years.. or even decades, I would highly recommend that you try a different approach.
I have my clients focus on the actions required to make them feel their best.
For many that requires losing extra fat but it also includes;
being social,
enjoying food,
being a role model to their children,
balancing work-life,
building muscle,
getting outside,
sleeping enough,
fuelling themselves instead of restricting,
living in line with their values
and not missing out on life!
You can do all of that- get happier, healthier and leaner WITHOUT focusing on weight loss.. in fact, it’s much more effective, you will get BETTER results and enjoy your life more.
If this sounds like what you need.. click here