After many years of coaching (14 to be precise) I’ve come to realise that the simplest of things applied consistently bring the greatest results.
Most people try to overcomplicate the process, sometimes this is as a self imposed barrier because they don’t want to do the work, sometimes it’s because they are impatient, sometimes it’s because they’ve been sold on some crazy keto / *insert supplement* marketing and convinced that it must be what they’ve been missing and that will be the solution… spoiler.. it won’t.
Results in all areas of life tend to come from consistency over time.
You can’t get away from it so you may as well accept it & embrace it.
This then begs the question what is the best way to be consistent?
Well you’re in luck.. I have the answer.
It’s using range targets.
& here is how it works..
You set yourself ‘non negotiable’ targets - I see these as the standards to which you hold yourself. These should be very achievable but still enough to push you in the direction of your goals (I will give some examples below).
Then you set optimal targets - these are the targets you are aiming for.
Now you have a range of progress - anywhere between non negotiable and optimal.
The magic is that if you consistently stay within this range you will always be making progress.. always moving forward.
& focusing on direction over speed will get you there faster and in a more enjoyable way.
Time is going to pass anyway - you can make it work for you or against you.
As an example for fat loss if your maintenance needs are 2,000 calories your range target might be 1600-2,000
Anywhere within that range you will be in a deficit and losing fat.. if you are closer to 1600 which is your optimal target you will lose faster..
if you are closer to 2,000 which is your non negotiable target you will lose slower. But the important part is you’re always moving in the direction of your goal.
If you stay within your range targets even for just 6 weeks - which is totally doable when they are set right (ie by me 😉- apply for coaching here) you will be amazed at the results you get.
& most importantly the results you achieve without over restriction..
The way we set your targets is based on always moving forwards - so you finish each day closer to your goal - when you do that consistently over time and focus on living your life while you do it rather than always looking for results and being impatient you’ll be amazed at the results you get without sacrifice, without questioning yourself, without beating yourself up.
The absolute magic of range targets is that they are so simple and so effective.
A lot of our members call it their epiphany moment.
Fat loss doesn’t have to be miserable and we believe diet and exercise when done right should add to your life not take away from it.
It’s meant to give you more capacity to ultimately enjoy your life more and show up at your best for it.
Ready to commit to making a change?
Click here
Range targets. Brilliant. You get a target to aim for but you also lose the binary situation of succeed/fail.