If you struggle to stay consistent due to varying symptom severity, pain and energy levels day to day this is for you.
I work with a lot of peri menopausal clients & symptoms often vary daily
So I created a traffic light system.
(I also use this with clients who gave endometriosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue & cancer.)
The premise is simple:
You rate your symptoms red (severe), amber (moderate) or green (good) each day.
Red, Amber and Green days all have corresponding plans.
100% effort on a red day looks very different to 100% effort on a green day.
Rather than add to your pain and discomfort by beating yourself up that you can’t be perfect on your red days, we have a more realistic plan.
Here is an example form one of my peri menopausal clients who struggles with varying energy levels and back pain:
🟥 Red days: 3,000-6,000 steps, 3 meals based around protein, 5 fruit and veg, no workout.
🟧 Amber days: Morning routine, 6,000+ steps, 3 meals based around protein, 5 fruit and veg, no commitment workout (start a workout and see how you feel)
🟩 Green days: 8,000-12,000 steps, 3 meals based around protein, only snacking on fruit and veg between meals & full gym workout
The specifics here will vary depending on the individual but you get the idea.
This avoids all or nothing thinking and subsequently being really good on your good days and really bad on your bad days or feeling like you’ve failed on the days you can’t manage as much.
If you’re having a red symptom day and you’re struggling to even get out of bed it’s far more motivating to know you are only aiming to achieve 3,000 steps than 8,000 which may seem impossible so why even try.
If you know someone who might find this useful please do pass it on
& if you would like my help then you can apply for coaching here