The dichotomy we tend to create between:
‘you only live once just eat the extra donut’
‘I have a fat loss goal so can’t eat anything off plan’
Is completely false.
But, many people struggle with this balance.
The reason for this struggle is more to do with perceptions and expectations of dieting rather than dieting itself.
You could (and I would) argue the complete opposite.
Life is too short to waste it.
To be hungover all weekend,
To dread Monday’s,
To be uncomfortable in your body,
To reduce your quality of life by increasing your risk of avoidable diseases.
It’s not so YOLO and fun when you’ve yolo’d yourself to poor food choices & lack of exercise for so long that you now have type 2 diabetes or heart disease.
Which is a very real problem.
I sincerely hope that the push back against diets and intentional fat loss doesn’t mean that we see increased rates of these avoidable diseases.
Body fat is not a harmless store of energy.
Excessive levels of body fat cause serious health problems.
We shouldn’t be insinuating it doesn’t.
And no, it’s not the ONLY important marker of health…
You can absolutely have a healthy body fat level & still be unhealthy but it’s very hard to be healthy long term when carrying too much body fat.
The confusion here is that many of the negative consequences to storing body fat take years to develop e.g. type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance progresses over time & results in an inability to clear blood glucose effectively without the need for medication.
It’s irresponsible at best to suggest storing too much body fat is not drastically influential to health, longevity and quality of life.
When people suggest ‘yolo’ should mean that you skip the gym, eat junk food and drink in excess I think they are missing the mark.
The above behaviours generally don’t make you feel good long term and in my opinion life is too short to not FEEL your best.
Many people think personal training/coaching is about fat loss.
It’s not.
It’s fundamentally about helping people FEEL better.. sometimes that includes fat loss.
Sometimes it does not.
And sometimes the feeling good results in fat loss because guess what… it’s way easier to look after yourself when you feel good about yourself.
You will feel better and enjoy life more if you prioritise exercise, activity, fuelling your body, minimising highly processed foods, using drugs and alcohol sparingly if at all.
To me, YOLO should mean you have one life - make sure you make the most out of it and do the things that will make you feel your best.
That doesn’t include overeating on junk food and drinking every night.
The usual ‘yolo’ behaviours actually make you feel pretty shit.
Take home:
YOLO all the way to respecting your body, your health, your mood, your energy.
Ready to YOLO? Click here