I base all my businesses on giving first.
& I give without any expectations.
I produce hours & hours of free content a week… literally:
2x EC method Q&As find them here
2x ESGfitness podcasts find them here
Daily instagram lives find them here
Fitness and business content on instagram
The odd blog/article.
All this content is free.
& I often get asked if I worry about giving away too much.
The answer is no.
And there are a few reasons why…
1) My biggest driver is to positively impact as many people as possible
Giving out free content is a great way to do that.
I get multiple messages a week from people I have never interacted with who tell me they’ve got incredible results just by listening to the podcast or consuming my content on instagram. They often almost apologise for not having signed up to work with me.
There is no need to apologise - I LOVE hearing this. If some one can get results just by implementing what they get for free then great.
Most people need more than just being told what to do.
That is why the advice to just ‘move more & eat less’ isn’t helpful for most. It’s why (shockingly) when people are told that they don’t just miraculously lose weight.
Most people benefit from support & accountability, and REASSURANCE at the right time (this is a point for another day but reassurance at the right time is often the difference between successful fat loss and not getting results)
Some people require the financial investment too. You get a lot from investing in yourself, you start to take yourself and your health more seriously. It’s also a great announcement to yourself that YOU are worth investing in.
& knowing you have the right support is often a weight off your shoulders. Having someone on your team pushing you towards your goals is a game changer.
2) People don’t pay for information. They pay for application.
I don’t think you can give too much for free.
There will always be people who want support to apply it.
That is what coaching is. Support to apply the principles to your life and make it work for you.
Most people think they are coming to coaching for calorie targets and workouts.
That is not coaching.
Coaching is about application.
It would take me 30mins to simply tell you want to do and explain why (tune into my daily lives for this).
But to help you implement that into your life in a maintainable way & to change your mindset around diet and exercise. That is the coaching process.
Take homes:
I don’t think you can give too much.
If you focus on giving without expectation not only will you enjoy it more but you’ll end up getting more back too.
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