You don’t need more will power…
You need to stop over restricting,
Stop labelling foods as good or bad,
Stop catastrophizing when you go a tiny bit off plan,
Stop letting yourself get too hungry so you’re more likely to make poor food choices
(I could go on but those are the main ones)
& start questioning your ‘all or nothing’ mentality around food choices.
Start adapting your food environment so you’re not surrounded by temptation all the time.
You are not the problem - the over restrictive diets, all or nothing mentality & poor food environment are.
You don’t need another diet, you need to change your behaviours around food.
& that is exactly what we do.
Click here to find out more.
Here is a little secret…Fat loss isn’t really about nutrition.
It’s far more about behaviour change.
We know what to do to lose fat - eat less, move more , create a calorie deficit. That part is complicated.
The hard part is changing your behaviours around food so you can stick to it.
That is exactly what I help people with.
Need some help?
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& I will email you