I have ADHD which means I am naturally quite (understatement) impulsive.
Here are 5 things I do to reduce my impulsivity (these are useful whether you have ADHD or not- most people struggle with impulsivity)
The 8pm rule:
I don’t make big decisions after 8pm. It tends to be when I make poor decisions, lack perspective and don’t think things through.
Respond don’t react:
Easier said than done but I try to pause and consider how I want to RESPOND to something rather than go through life reacting to things - this is the meaning behind this tattoo - the wave symbolises urges coming and going. Let the wave pass before you decide how you want to respond.
Write it out:
Writing it out forces perspective. This is why journaling or check ins with your coach are so useful. Writing down how you feel and trying to figure out why will improve all your relationships.
No big decisions within 24h:
This forces you to sleep on it and let your subconscious mull it over. I also run it by a few people. I often ask people to ‘red team’ an idea before I implement it. This is essentially finding potential flaws or negative outcome Is may not have considered.
Make the decision & commit in advance:
I make decisions in advance & ignore the urge to talk myself out of it. That might look like food choices when eating out, getting a workout in after a long day, doing the minimum non negotiable standard of steps that I’ve set myself.
To add to this having standards that you hold yourself to without debate is an excellent way to ensure you make choices that align with your goals and live in line with your values.
I hope you find these useful click here for coaching support if you struggle with impulsivity and/or ADHD.